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Monday, April 14, 2014

Gathering up all of our Curriculum for the Summer

Gathering up all of our Curriculum for the Summer

When I started to first research about Home School two things I wanted to know were what schedules or more what a day in a life of a home school home looks like, and what curriculum people used. I am of course still figuring this out and in fact have a appointment to meet up with a local mom to learn about one program I am really interested in using, starting now all the way through middle school and maybe high school ,but before I invest I am thoroughly investigating. 

I thought I would share what I have gathered up so far to use for our summer schooling. We will continue to use it past summer I am sure.


For the Bible we will of course use our Bibles and I bought the What's in the Bible DVD and My Jesus Journal.


For Math we will have a few options. the main source we will be using are the Life of Fred textbooks. then I bought some workbook page books to use either to break up the text book or to use when I need to instruct one child and the other has to wait for me. I also ordered a   book.  


For Grammar we will be using the First Language lessons by Jessie Wise this is a excellent source it is scripted for those of us challenged in the grammar. Yes I plan on learning right along with my boys both in grammar and Math.


Writing we will be learning handwriting, cursive writing, typing and journaling alternating them throughout the week. 
What we will be using are some books I picked up from our local school supply store for handwriting and cursive. I also ordered the Draw Write 
Now books and subscribed to a typing program on the computer called Typing instructor for kids. I really like and so does River so far.


We plan on doing a lot of reading. I have a book list that together we will talk about them ,and make lap books after  reading them. We will also be doing reading outside of our book list. We will have a library days and the boys will pick out books they will read independently and we will find books we enjoy to read as a family for our evening reading time.  We will have 2 journals one which we will have prompts sometimes or use for free writing, the second will be a nature journal that I am excited about because this means getting close to nature and the outdoors perfect for summer!  

our book list is currently as follows:
20,000 leagues under the Sea.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Mr Poppers Penguins (we will read this and follow along with the audio version)
Treasure Island
The Wind in the Willows
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Scientist and Inventors

I am very excited about these books by Mike Venezia ,I discovered while perusing a home school blog The series is called, Getting to know the worlds greatest scientist and inventors. We will also be making lap books after studying each one of these. I hope to get deeper into these studies maybe trying out our own  inventions or trying out their experiments.

these books include:

Albert Einstein: universal Genius
Henry Ford: Big Wheel in the Auto Industry
Marie Curie: Scientist who made Glowing Discoveries
Thomas Edison: Inventor with a lot of Bright Ideas
Alexander Graham Bell: Setting the Tone for Communication
The Wright Brothers: Inventors who's Ideas really took Flight
Benjamin Franklin: Electrified the World with new Ideas

I am looking forward to  learning along side my children. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I did it! I made a Summer Schedule.

I did it! I made a Summer Schedule.

As I sit here we have 32 more school days until summer vacation. I am going to do "summer school" what it really is will be us getting used to the idea of us becoming a family that home-schools. I want to be ready and I am a planner by nature so today I decided I was going to stop reading what I need to be doing and start doing it.

I have already collected most of our summer curriculum Math, grammar, writing books, and today I made a reading list. I also discovered an amazing site that I used for not only the books I chose but a great unit study on scientist and inventors! 

I hesitate to put times on the schedule because with the long summer days in Alaska it is hard to have a normal scheduled life. We tend to stay up way to late just because the Sun is up all night and all day! Also if the boys need more time to do certain subjects I will give it to them.So what I would like to happen is what I will put down. I am sure the first week or so will bring along change and adjusting times to suit our lives in the midnight sun.

So here it is:
Wake up/ Breakfast/morning snuggles (my favorite part of every day.)

10am Bible
10:30 Math
11:00 Language/Grammar
11:30 Writing/ cursive writing for River/ typing 
12:00 Independent reading (their choice)

12:15 Lunch
1:00 Reading from our book list
1:40 Inventors /Scientist
2:15 Art/crafts/Science experiments


Depending when we decide to come inside we will do more reading in the evening after baths and on rainy days. 

The books I chose to read together:
We may or may not get through all of them. 

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe 
Mr Poppers Penguins
Treasure Island
The Wind in the Willows
Journey to the center of the Earth